Breda Fowl Hatching Eggs
We may be making a select few orders of Breda Fowl hatching eggs available in 2025, but that is totally dictated by how well we meet our own hatching goals in the upcoming season. Subscribe to our newsletter to be alerted on availability.
Breda Fowl are among the rarest chickens in the world, with precious few dedicated breeders here in the US. We're excited to join efforts to conserve and develop the future of this breed! Breda Fowl are considered the largest of the old Dutch breeds. They are the ONLY breed of chicken in the world that is truly combless. Other features on this striking bird include feathered shanks and vulture hocks. These traits together make them extremely cold hardy, in addition to being good layers of large white/cream eggs (150/year average). We currently have blue, black, splash, and cuckoo varieties.
- Breda are NOT a beginner-friendly breed. They are on the brink of extinction and there are many points that need to be worked on. We recommend this breed only to experienced breeders.
- Hatch rates are lower than average, vigor and survivability have a lot to be desired, and growing these birds out requires a high quality feed, keeping a close-eye on them, and excellent husbandry practices (very clean pens, regular treatment for internal and external parasites, etc) to keep them healthy and growing well.
- Breda are a SLOW GROWING BREED; do not expect your first egg at exactly 6 months. So far, our Breda have begun laying at 8 months or so. Cockerels will be very "boyish" in appearance until at least 14 months, and really come into their own the closer they get to the two year old mark. They are magnificent as mature cockbirds, and we recommend, unless a cockerel has a glaring flaw, that anyone beginning with this breed give their males the benefit of the doubt until they have had plenty of time to mature before culling.
- As the gene pool for this breed is so limited and original imports had quite a few faults, you are very likely to see traits crop up here and there which are undesirable. Such traits include but are not limited to raised combflesh, over or under-feathered shanks, red in the earlobe, tailsets higher than desired etc.
- Breda hatching eggs will be accompanied by a history of the breed, a copy of their native (translated) standard, breeding and growing tips, and other resources to help you get started.
- We are currently working with three lines within our Breda program, and birds are paired according to strengths and weaknesses based on their native standard. Eggs will be marked by pen.